
Imagine The Possible…

Sleep deprivation numbs you to your environment, it decreases our whole purpose to being here. Our Sleep Remedy Team believes it’s all about squeezing as much JOY as we can out of life… Our neurochemistry is almost 100% dictated by how well we are sleeping every night.  Performance in every aspect of life is enhanced
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Sleep & Recovery : Doc Parsley x Unbeatable Mind Podcast

” In this two-part interview, Mark Divine talks to his old friend Dr. Kirk Parsley. Doc Parsley is a former SEAL who is now an MD who specializes in sleep. He realized that most of us are getting less sleep than we need and are kind of seeing sleep as “the enemy” or a waste
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Sleep is the Key to Muscle Growth

Sleep has a profound effect on muscle growth and physical well-being. We need to catch the right amount of Zzz’s, especially when trying to build and grow muscle. In both men and women, without adequate sleep, the production and ability of HGH to work its magic is inhibited.
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