Sleep Is The Key To Your New Year Goals
Sleep Is The Key To Your New Year’s Goals. Sleep is that golden chain that binds health, wealth, and success together. It’s about that time of year again… A new year is approaching quickly and we are taking the time to reflect on the past year and look forward to what the next may […]
Read MoreThe Gift That Keeps On Giving
Are you looking for the perfect gift to give the special people in your life? What if you could give them something they desperately want? We believe the greatest gift is giving the gift of health and well-being. Common diseases are linked to lifestyle choices. The lifestyle disease epidemic that we are in is robbing people of […]
Read MoreDeep Sleep Protects Against Alzheimer’s
Deep Sleep Protects Against Alzheimer’s There is growing research that shows that deep sleep protects Alzheimer’s Disease. Deep sleep is the main stage of sleep we are looking at here, as it is the primary time when the brain rids itself of waste products. A fellow sleep enthusiast, professor of neuroscience and psychology, and author […]
Read MoreMaintain A Healthy Mind & Body For The Holidays
Ah, we can already smell the Holiday Season among us. Let’s talk about how to maintain a healthy body and mind for the Holidays. And yes, maintaining a quality sleep schedule is one of those! For some, the leaves have begun to change and the smell of fireplaces burning fills the evening air. For others, there’s […]
Read MoreThe Link Between Depression And Sleep
Ready for some startling facts?? 75 percent of people who suffer from depression also have insomnia. If you have insomnia, you’re 10x more likely to develop depression. There is a link between depression and sleep. Historically, insomnia has been thought of as secondary to depression – ie: You became depressed, and as a result, your […]
Read MoreSleep Remedy Kids vs $5 Bottle of Melatonin Gummies
This is one of the most popular questions we get asked about our Kids Sleep Remedy product. Why would parents want to spend $50 a month on a sleep aid for their kids, when they can easily go buy a $5 bottle of melatonin gummies? There are three things we are going to cover to […]
Read MoreSeasonal Affective Disorder
There are pros and cons to just about everything and anything. What about the fall/winter months make it a perfect opportunity to make sleep a top priority? What is the downside of the winter months? Read more about what you should know about Seasonal Affective Disorder and how you can set yourself up to get […]
Read MoreIs it Safe to Take Melatonin?
I have no idea how many lectures and symposiums I’ve done, how many emails, tweets, and direct messages I’ve answered, but I would guess that about 15% of all the questions that I get are around this very question. Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of variations to how the questions get asked, […]
Read MoreSleep And Student-Athletes
Sleep and Student-athletes is a hot a topic. Have you ever stopped to ponder why it is we spend about one-third of our lives sleeping? It makes sense if you dive into all the intricate and fascinating processes our bodies and mind undergo as we sleep. Sleep isn’t just a span of 8+ hours where […]
Read MoreBack to School, but Not Back to Sleep?
Teens are so full of potential, so full of life, so…sleepy. Teens need sleep. And a lot of it! Parents, we get the frustrating feeling when your teenager has the tendency to stay up late and sleep the entire next day away. Don’t fret, there is a reason for it and it’s not laziness or […]
Read MoreKids Sleep Deprivation Is On The Rise- How Can We Help?
Kids Sleep Deprivation Is On The Rise- How Can We Help? Ensuring kids are getting the quality and quantity of sleep they need is becoming a serious concern across the US. In fact, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, 25 to 50% of children are experiencing sleep problems. This raises the concern for our […]
Read MoreSleep is for the Weak
If you haven’t said these words, I’m sure you know someone who has… “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” This so-called mantra may be one of the worst. Although it comes across as bold, eager, and typically said by those seeking success, it’s having a devastatingly negative impact on overall health and well-being. Sleep is for […]
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