How to Ease Anxiety about Daylight savings time

Kirk Parsley, M.D.
March 14, 2021

What time is it?! Daylight Savings Time.

Ready or not, it’s about that time folks. Daylight savings time is among us and while some may be thrilled with the thought of more precious sunlight hours, we remember that this also means we are losing what some deem even more precious- sleep hours.

But don’t fret, we got you. We are here to ease the anxiety-ridden process that may come with trying to adjust to the time change.

BUT WHY Daylight Savings?

This idea originated way back in 1985. It was designed to conserve energy and match the hours of the average awake time of a person. You may have heard that it was thrown into action to allow farmers an extra hour of sunlight to tend to their field when farmers have been opposed to the change as it throws off their natural harvesting schedule.

Now, we still use it as a means to conserve energy and have more active sunlight hours during the spring and summer months.

How to prepare for Daylight Savings

The quality and quantity of sleep every night are shown to make drastic differences in our brain’s ability to function properly and to maintain hormonal balance. When we are losing an hour, how can we make sure we get the sleep we need leading up to and following the time change?

Prepare by doing the following:

  • Gradually moving up your bedtime the week before
  • Take it easy the day of
  • Cut down on caffeine
  • Limit alcohol intake for the weekend
  • Get a solid workout in during the day

Soak Up The Sun

No matter what part of the world you are in, be sure to soak in the sun rays first thing in the morning following the time change. This is going to set your circadian rhythm up for success in the evening.

Studies have shown that when we expose our bodies to sunlight first thing in the morning, our circadian rhythms are primed to function optimally. It is setting our internal clock to ensure the production of melatonin. Naturally, when we feel the warmth of the sun and move outside, our mood is enhanced, our stress is relieved, and we prime our system to get ready for a good night’s sleep.

Using sunlight to improve sleep doesn’t come with any negative side effects, it is the most natural and available solution.

Reduce Blue Light Exposure

The day before and following Daylight Savings time is not the time to binge on your favorite Netflix series. Although you may feel like you are unwinding, your system is becoming confused with the blue light exposure.

Blue light at night tricks your brain and body into thinking it is still daytime and will stop the production of natural melatonin. Melatonin is one of the most important hormones in the ability to fall into a deep sleep. Wearing blue light blocking glasses and using applications on your devices that will block the blue light are great options. For blue light blocking glasses, we highly recommend Swannies – and make sure to use code PARSLEY15 to get 15% off your purchase.

An even better option?
Stop watching TV two hours before bed. Instead, grab a book, journal, meditate, or anything else that will allow your mind and body to unwind and prepare for sleep.

Main Takeaways

Daylight Savings time doesn’t have to be stressful or induce anxiety regarding our sleep schedules. There are things we can do to ease the process and make the transition seamless.
The above information is not only applicable during the transition into Daylight Savings Time, but every day.

Getting enough quality sleep should be the main priority in being able to perform mentally and physically at our best every day. Without it, our bodies will compromise until the point of mental or physical illness.

The better you sleep, the better you are at being you. The better you are at being you, the better you can show up in the world.

Happy Daylight Savings!



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